De stichting bestaat uit het bestuur en operationele team. Het bestuur werkt als vrijwilliger voor de stichting en ontvangt geen vergoeding voor de verrichte werkzaamheden.
Ronald Jansen (Voorzitter) –
Sascha de Lint (Bestuurslid)
Addy Rouwenhorst (Dagelijks bestuur) –
Marco de Jong (Penningsmeester)
Project Manager – Sabrina de Haan –
Wetenschappelijke adviesraad
Sinds 2023 heeft Beat Batten een eigen wetenschappelijke adviesraad. Deze raad adviseert het bestuur ten aanzien van onze doelbesteding (onderzoekskeuzes, onderzoekbegeleiding, internationale samenwerkingen ed). Deze raad staat in nauw contact met niet alleen experts in Nederland maar ook internationaal en werken veelal samen met internationale stichtingen. Zo werken we intensief samen met dr Herman van der Putten en dr Frank Stehr van de duitse NCL Stiftung. Daarnaast helpen zij de stichting met de vaak complexe medisch/biologische materie te vertalen zodat het wat meer begrijpelijk wordt voor iedereen.
Dr Margriet Huisman Groot
Dr Huisman worked at Leiden University Medical Centre, where she conducted a wide variety of research. A BSc in biochemistry, she studied DNA abnormalities in the department of Histo- and Cytochemistry. In the Department of Obstetrics, she worked on the role of membrane phospholipids in lung development of the unborn child. As a PI, she studied the therapeutic effect of blood transfusions in unborn children of rhesus negative mothers. She graduated from the Department of ENT on the topic of cellular signaling. As PI and head of the Otobiology laboratory, she studied the repair of damaged auditory and cranial nerves. Her work was funded by several acknowledged fund providers and she published more than 40 papers. She retired in 2018.
In late 2021, she met the parents of a child with Batten disease, and since then she has been committed to using the knowledge gained over 40 years during her scientific career to better understand Batten disease and to help to initiate potential therapies. Today, she is working at the University Medical Hospital in Utrecht to obtain approval for a project to allow Dutch children to participate in a study on the first biomarker for Batten disease.
Randall Marshall, MD, Scientific Advisor
Dr. Marshall brings to Beat Batten his 25+ years of experience across all aspects of clinical research in both academia and in biotechnology companies. Dr. Marshall has developed and led programs in the fields of neurology, psychiatry, hepatology, rare disease and pediatric oncology. He currently is Chief Medical Officer of EuMentis Therapeutics, a biotech focused on developing new treatments for pediatric and adult neurodevelopmental disorders.
Dr. Marshall earned his MD at Johns Hopkins University and completed his residency and postdoctoral fellowship at Columbia University, where he attained Associate Professor before leaving to pursue therapeutics research in biotechnology. He has published more than 130 peer-reviewed publications, book chapters or books in his fields of expertise.
Through his work in rare neurological conditions Dr. Marshall developed a passion for helping these children through research, and brings this commitment to his efforts at the Beat Batten Foundation.
Medisch advies
De Stichting Beat Batten onderhoudt nauwe contacten met artsen en onderzoekers. Enerzijds om als eerste op de hoogte te zijn van (onderzoek)ontwikkelingen, anderzijds om nieuwe onderzoeksplannen waarin we kunnen investeren te kunnen toetsen.
Het team van mensen met wie wij nauw samenwerken bestaat uit:
Dr. Peter van Hasselt – Arts in het Wilhelmina Kinderziekenhuis, Utrecht
Dr. Herman van der Putten – Research adviseur bij NCL Stiftung, Hamburg, Duitsland
Dr. Frank Stehr – Research adviseur bij NCL Stiftung, Hamburg, Duitsland
Dr. Margriet Groot – Huisman – Wetenschappelijke Advies Raad Beat Batten